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Edit history

Edit: -1 of 1
Time: 2007-11-17 14:36:45
Note: /member_lugbz_org/wiki/SFScon2007Stand/edit

Who will come Thursday > 17:00 to set up the stand?

- Chris Mair
- Daniele Gobbetti

Who will be at the stand?

- friday 16th in the morning

 1. Chris Mair
 2. Daniele Gobbetti
 3. Martin Wielander

- friday 16th in the afternoon

 1. Daniele Gobbetti
 2. Martin Wielander

- saturday 17th in the morning

 1. Daniele Gobbetti
 2. Chris Mair
 3. Martin Wielander
 4. Paolo Dongilli

- saturday 17th in the afternoon

 1. Daniele Gobbetti
 2. Martin Wielander
 3. Paolo Dongilli

Who will bring what to the LUGBZ stand / registration section?

- Friday 16th 

  - 20 subscription forms DE - Chris
  - 15 subscription forms IT - Chris

- Saturday 17th
  - 100 LUGBZ presentation sheets (only Italian -- why only 1-sided???) - Paolo Dongilli
  - 100 subscription forms (only Italian -- why only 1-sided???) - Paolo Dongilli

Who will bring which device to the LUGBZ stand / Museum section?

- print out of vintage systems datasheets - Chris Mair

- Playstation II - Chris Mair

- Sun E250 - Chris Mair / CANCELED - Daniele

- Playstation III - Patrick Ohnewein

- IPAQ 2210 - Daniele Gobbetti

- Linksys NSLU2 - Daniele Gobbetti

- Asus WL-500gP - Daniele Gobbetti

- X Box - Daniele Gobbetti / CANCELED - Chris / with no reason - Daniele / reason: made by MS - Chris / it WAS freed (actually debianized), hence no reason at all - Daniele / Mmm... Microsoft & Debian -> 2 reasons ;) - Chris / Ok, what about broken framebuffers? :) - Daniele / Oh, it has a broken framebuffer too? So that makes it 3 reasons! ;) - Chris / Uhm, broken framebuffer counts as reason? So I'm shutting the E250 down :) - Daniele / Yeah, you can do that now, I need it at home as a console-based terminal client anyway - :) Chris

- ...

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