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Edit history

Edit: -1 of 1
Time: 2006-08-13 16:18:14
Note: /member_lugbz_org/wiki2/manage_pasteObjects

What is this ?

  This is a kind of collaborative website, called a *wiki*.
  "Wiki wiki" means "quick" in hawaiian.
  You can edit any page on the spot, by clicking "Edit this page" or
  by using the "Add a comment" form.

  Several simple conventions are followed to make writing and
  linking easier. Here is the main one:
  each page has a WikiName - a short descriptive name made up of one or more
  capitalized words run together. These are used to form automatic hyperlinks between pages.

How do I navigate ?

  To return to the site's front page at any time, click the logo at top left.

  To see a site map centered on the current page, click "contents" above. 

  To see a list of pages which link to this one, click the page title.

  To jump to a page by name, or to search the site, enter text in the
  search field at top right and press enter. To find out more, see JumpSearch.

  To see a list of all pages in the site by modification date, visit RecentChanges.

More about editing

  To add some text to any page, scroll to the bottom, enter some text
  into the "Add a comment" form and click the button.
    SandBox is a good place to practice this.

  Or, to make a more complex change, click the "Edit this
  page" link, edit the text and click the "Change.." button.

  Text will be formatted for you automatically. To begin with, just remember to
  use a blank line when you want to start a new paragraph.
 When you are ready, learn more about the TextFormattingRules.

  NB: site admins can help undo any editing mistakes & recover old versions if needed.

How do I link and create new pages ?

  To create a link to another wiki page, just write it's WikiName.

  If the page does not yet exist, a ? will be displayed - click this
  when you are ready to create the new page. This is how pages are added to the site.

  To link to a page on another site, just type the url. Or, you can
  use HTML. Also, RemoteWikiLinks are a convenient notation for
  linking to pages on another site.

What if I make a mistake ?

  If some good text gets lost by mistake, you might find it by backing
  up in your browser - copy and paste back it into the
  page. Otherwise, the site admin may be able to help undo the changes.

Page hierarchy

  Zwiki keeps track of parent-child relationships between pages, which
  you may use or ignore; this information will be displayed at the top
  of the page if enabled in UserOptions. The parent of a new page is
  the page on which you clicked the ? link. You can change the
  parent(s) later, by clicking on the page title.

For more help..

 There are some additional features not described here.. see also:

 ZWiki, ZWiki:HelpPage, ZWiki:AdvancedEditOptions

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